Pre-gold albitisation at gold occurrences in the Palaeoproterozoic Karelian belts

Saattopora, Central Lapland greenstone belt. Unaltered (left) and albitised (right) metatuffite. White quartz-calcite veins related to distal alteration in the unalbitised rock. Auriferous quartz-calcite-Fe dolomite or ankerite-pyrite-pyrrhotite veins in the pervasively albitised, then mineralised rock. The samples are about 13 cm long. Photo Reijo Lampela, GTK.

(Last update: 20.05.2020)
Suurikuusikko (Kittilä Mine), Central Lapland. pervasively albitised, re-brecciated and mineralised tuffite(?), high-grade gold ore. Field of view 7 cm. Photo Tero Niiranen, GTK.